Announcing LEI’s NEW Circular Sustainability Program

Lighting Etc., Inc is excited to announce that we have obtained the Trademark for our NEW Circular SustainabilityTM program! What is Circular Sustainability, you ask? Here at LEI, we realize that our environment is important, and we all need to do our part to take care of it, therefore we developed a program that can help. We realize that LED lighting; while offering reliability, superior energy efficiency, and being economical, does have a lifecycle. At the end of that life cycle, we realized most customers were throwing away their fixtures and replacing them with new ones. Great for LEI, but not favorable for our customers and the environment.

With the Circular Sustainability Program, we can repurpose existing fixture housing and outfit the unit with the latest up-to-date technologies. Utilizing this program not only is a fraction of the cost of a new fixture but you are partnering with LEI to improve our planet and decrease landfill waste and our carbon footprint.

This is a WIN, WIN, WIN! WIN for LEI, WIN for the environment, and a BIG WIN for our customers.

When you think GREEN, think LEI.

Please Contact or call (281)992-8308 and keep our fixtures and your cash out of the trash.